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Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

How to Register for the latest Google Adsense Blogspot

AdSense is a program through media Internet advertising partnership held by Google. Through AdSense advertising program, web site or blog owners who have registered and been approved for membership may install a form of ad units and the material has been determined by Google in their web pages. Website or blog owners will get a profit sharing revenue from Google for each ad clicked by visitors to the site, known as a pay per click (PPC) or pay per click.

In addition to providing ads with pay per click, Google AdSense AdSense for search is also provided (AdSense for Search) and the ad referrals (Referral). In the AdSense for search, website owners can install the Google search box on their web pages. The site owner will earn revenue from Google for every search conducted visitors through the search box, which continues to click on ads that are included in the search results. On referral ads, site owners will receive an income after clicking on the ad continues with certain actions by visitors who have agreed between Google and the advertisers.

The following steps list the latest google for blogspot :

First step, find our blogspot blog ID
- Login to your Blogspot account (www.blogger.com)

- Then just click on the "Edit Post"
Click Edit Entry

- From the Edit Entry page, and then refer to the URL / link, there'll have your Blog ID.
 Blog ID (See Bottom Striped Red)

- After that, write your Blog ID, the ID The blog later on we will use to sign up for Google Adsense.

- Open the following link http://www.blogger.com/monetize.g?blogID = Put the ID YOU BLOG HERE and then open it in the adress bar link.

- Once you open the link, will open later Google Adsense Registration Page.

- follow the prompts until finished, If Success is received later will be able to confirm this.

Now just waiting for the Review to the ad can be displayed in your blog., the first ad does not appear, cuman empty backgroun wrote. because it was the review of google.

Process pending a review of the Google Adsense fast sometimes, but sometimes can be up to several weeks. After the review process is completed you will receive news via email, click on the link provided in the email to verify your account.
Next you can Log In to Dashboard Google Adsense account, start by completing the personal data, payment data, and so forth. And then take the ad script and attach it in your blog.

Note : The bad news was now only able to google adsense on blogspot domain only, if domain parking pake now can not.

May be useful for you...

5 Rifky Fuady: How to Register for the latest Google Adsense Blogspot AdSense is a program through media Internet advertising partnership held by Google. Through AdSense advertising program, web site or blo...

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